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College Study/GLSL

[GLSL] Let's Dive in to the Shader!

by 2den 2022. 1. 5.


I wanted to study graphics languages (especially shaders), but I was worried about which language to choose between OpenGL and DirectX. I am currently using a MacBook and would like to use an online tutorial which name is "The Book of Shaders". Furthermore, in fact, GLSL and HLSL are similar to each other except for a few syntax... so I finally decided to study OpenGL shaders.


As I mentioned, I will study with the book of shaders tutorial, and the Life-coding lecture by designer Lee Eul will help me to learn.


Here's the link of "The Book of Shaders": https://thebookofshaders.com/

The Book of Shaders

Gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.


Actually, I don't like to watch the lectures in Korean... but this time I chose this for my exact formulation.


One last thing. This is the link of the web editor: http://editor.thebookofshaders.com/

I'm all ready. Then, LET'S DIVE IN!



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