- Bro. You are ready for football. I’m not kidding you, dude. You got ripped. Dude you’re a beast. Look at this arm. It’s diesel. How much are you benching? Like two-20? 25? You gotta give me some tips, man. Romanian dead lifts, right? Taking some tea? Ginseng? Maca root? Tribulus terrestrials?
- It’s from working construction, Reg.
- Ah yeah yeah yeah that’s right. Yo Moose! Look who grew up over the summer. Yo be honest with me. Did you working on any houses? Any private homes?
- yeah a couple
- Did you, tap some cougar ass this summer?
- You know what? I think that’s more a fantasy from your wank bank, Reggie. I’ll catch you guys soon.
- Peace out, brother. Totally did it bro. He totally did it.
- So, I usually start off my tours with a little history and context. Riverdale high first opened its doors in 1941 and then
- And hasn’t been redecorated since apparently. Honestly, I feel like I’m wandering through the lost epilogue of Our Town. So what’s the social scene like here? Any night clubs?
- A strip club called the Ho Zone and the tragic gay bar called Innuendo. Friday nights football games and then Tailgate parties at the Mal-mart parking lot. Saturday night is movie night, regardless of what’s at the Bijou. You better get there early cause we don’t have reserved seatings in Riverdale. And Sunday nights? Thank god for HBO.
- Veronica Lodge, Kevin Keller. Veronica is new here, Kevin is …
- Gay. Thank God. Let’s be best friends.
- Is it true what they say about your dad?
- That he is the devil incarnate? I stand by my father. Does everyone here know? Wonderful. Ten minutes in and I’m already the Blue Jasmine in Riverdale High.
- What?
- Excuse me. This is a closed rehearsal.
- I’m sorry, I… Josie, right? I was hoping I could talk you about some songs I wrote.
- Let me just, stop you, right there. You’re staring at our Pussycat ears, which is rude. But let me break it and them, down for you. The Pussycats are building a brand, creating signature look, okay? We’re telling a story. Last year, we won Rockland County’s battle of the bands.
- Yeah That we did.
- This year, we’d like to build on that success, continue telling our story with songs we write.
- I get that. I was just…
- Read my glossed lips, Justin Gingerlake. Not gonna happen.
- Oh, and of course, there’s the back to school semi-formal dance this weekend.
- There’s the hottie you were with last night. The red headed Ansel Elgort. Is he your boyfriend?
- No we’re just friends.
- No he’s straight.
- In that case, mind putting in a word? I’ve tried every flavor of boy but orange.
- Actually to clarify, Betty and Archie aren’t dating but they are endgame.
- You should ask him to the semi-formal then.
- She should, but I heard it might be getting canceled cause what happened to Jason. They’re gonna tell us at the assembly.
- Who’s Jason and what happened to him?
You can also see my wrong answers in the file below.
리버데일 | 넷플릭스 공식 사이트
평화로운 소도시 리버데일에서 살아가는 아치와 친구들이 복잡한 연애, 섹스, 학교생활과 가족사를 헤쳐나간다. 파고들수록 수렁으로 빠져드는 리버데일의 미스터리.
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